We welcome Lorenzo Villa, final-year Materials Science student, who has joined our group!
New publication
Our new collaborative work with the theory group at Unimib, Eindhoven University of Technology and Delft University of Technology on Critical strain for Sn incorporation into spontaneously graded Ge/GeSn core/shell nanowires has been published on Nanoscale. Check it out!
Team updates
We welcome Maura Bonzi and Roberta Sipala, final-year Materials Science students, who have joined our group!
Team News
Simone Rossi, final-year Physics student, has joined our group!
Congratulations to Tommaso on his bachelor degree!
Congratulations to Francesco on his new appoitment as PostDoc Fellow at the University of Rome La Sapienza
Congratulations to Elisa on his new appoitment as PostDoc Fellow at Lassem.
PhD Defence
Congratulations to Elisa and Francesco for having successfully defended their PhD thesis!
Team news
Congratulations to Sebastiano on his new position at Copan Italia!
Symposium on Spin-dependent phenomena
F. Pezzoli will co-organize the Symposium:
“Spin-dependent phenomena in semiconductors, 2D Materials and topological insulators”
at the Fall meeting of the European Materials Research Society, which will be held in Warsaw (Poland) on September 17 – 20, 2018.
Looking forward to meeting You in Warsaw!
Our new website is proudly online!