New member
We welcome a new team member: Michael Vitari!
New publication
Our new collaborative work with colleagues at IMEC on Raman spectroscopy of Si:C epilayers has just been published! Check it out here
Special issue on Semiconductor heteroepitaxy
Team update
We welcome Mr. Emanuele Balduzzi, Master’s student in Physics.
New publication
Our new work addressing spin physics in novel group IV alloys has just been published in Physical Review B. Check it out!
Team update
Congratulations to Simone on his new appoitment as PhD student at Lassem.
Congratulations to Maura and Roberta on their successful thesis defence.
New publication
Our new paper discussing how to control the polarization of light emitted through spin-dependent direct gap transitions has just been published in Scientific Reports. Check it out here.
Team update
We are happy to announce that Dr. Jacopo Pedrini has now joined our group as Post-Doc.
Congratulations to Giuseppe on his bachelor degree!