Spin Physics
The spin degree of freedom can be harnessed for radically new ways of information processing and communication within a robust and scalable solid-state framework. Semiconductors have attracted a great deal of attention, because of prospects of implementing quantum spin manipulation with mature microelectronics technology. Devices that enable electrical control of the spin degree of freedom could seamlessly integrate logic and memory functions, thus mitigating power consumption and boosting performances. The central goal of of our research is to understand and control the fundamental mechanisms governing coherent phenomena and spin relaxation in group IV materials. The optical accessibility of spins is a key advantage, which is expected to lead to novel concepts for devices and circuits.
Relevant pubblications:
– Pezzoli, F., Bottegoni, F., Trivedi, D., Ciccacci, F., Giorgioni, A., Li, P., Cecchi, S., Grilli, E., Song, Y., Guzzi, M., Dery, H. and Isella G.: Optical spin injection and spin lifetime in Ge heterostructures (2012). Physical Review Letters 108, 156603.
– Giorgioni, A., Paleari, S., Cecchi, S., Vitiello, E., E., Grilli, Isella, G., Jantsch, W., Fanciulli, M., Pezzoli, F.: Strong confinement-induced engineering of the g factor and lifetime of conduction electron spins in Ge quantum wells (2016). Nature Communications 7, 13886.